Each module of the Employability Skills for Student Success in the Workplace series provides a guided exploration of resources on topics important to teaching at the college level; helpful links containing examples and implementation tips, expert advice, journal articles, and supporting evidence of best teaching practices. Opportunities for reflection and colleague interaction will be included through discussion board prompts.
Critical Thinking for the 21st Century
Our students have millions of resources for answering simple questions at their fingertips. But memorizing or searching the internet is not very intellectually stimulating and the knowledge gained is not likely to stick in any meaningful way. What if we took a page from the healthcare, criminal justice, or automotive syllabus and challenged our students with problem- or case-based learning? In this course you will learn how to teach critical thinking processes such as analysis, application, synthesis, and reflection and develop activities for students to practice using them.
Course completers will earn a badge of completion.